Dr. Geetanjali Rathee is currently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of Netaji Subhas University of Technology (NSUT), Dwarka, New Delhi. She worked as an Assistant Professor (Senior Grade) in Jaypee University of Information Technology (JUIT), Waknaghat, Himachal Pradesh for four years. She received her B.Tech, M.Tech & Ph.D all in Computer Science & Engineering in 2011, 2014 and 2017 respectively. She has published around 08 national/international patents, around 15 IEEE transactions research paper with highest impact factor of 9.1, 20 SCI papers, around 50 Scopus indexed papers and more than 30 publications in national/international conferences and book chapters. She has one ongoing project in Serb on data governance and security in healthcare and submitted 2 more projects in purse and DST respectively. She has also published one book titled “Large-Scale Data Streaming, Processing, and Blockchain Security”. She has delivered various talks on blockchain and cybersecurity in several reputed universities and colleges. Her research interests include handoff security, cognitive networks, blockchain technology, resilience in wireless mesh networking, routing protocols, networking, and industry 4.0. She is a regular reviewer of various reputed journals like IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Wireless Networks, Cluster Computing, Ambience Computing, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Engineering, and International Journal of Communication Systems.
Areas of Interest
Handoff security, cognitive networks, blockchain technology, resilience in wireless mesh networking, routing protocols, networking, and industry 4.0.
Research Profiles
Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Geetanjali-Rathee
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=aIML8HYAAAAJ&hl=en
Publons: https://publons.com/researcher/1972174/geetanjali-rathee/
- Publications in International Journal
IEEE Transactions
Singh, P., Rathee, G., Kerrache, C. A., Bilal, M., Calafate, C. T., & Wang, H. (2024). AI-Based Learning Model for Sociocybernetic Systems in Web of Things: An Efficient and Accurate Decision-Making Procedure. IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine, 10(4), 40-48.
Rathee, G., Kerrache, C. A., Calafate, C. T., & Song, H. (2024). A trusted mechanism against device reputation attacks in Web‐of‐Things applications. Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 35(6), e5011.
Rathee, G., Iqbal, R., Kerrache, C. A., & Song, H. (2024). TrustNextGen: Security Aspects of Trustworthy Next Generation Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
Kumar, A., Rathee, G., Kerrache, C. A., Bilal, M., & Gadekallu, T. R. (2023). A Secure Architectural Model Using Blockchain and Estimated Trust Mechanism in Electronic Consumers. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics.
Rathee, G., Kerrache, C. A., Calafate, C. T., & Halimi, M. S. (2023). SecureBlock: An ML-blockchain consumer-centric sustainable solution for industry 5.0. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics.
Rathee, G., Kerrache, C. A., & Bilal, M. (2023). An accurate and inter-operatable fuzzy-based system using genetic and canonical correlation analysis methods in internet-of-brain things. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 31, 2726-2733.
Rathee, G., Kerrache, C. A., & Lahby, M. (2022). Trustblksys: A trusted and blockchained cybersecure system for iiot. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 19(2), 1592-1599.
Rathee, G., Ahmad, F., Jaglan, N., & Konstantinou, C. (2022). A secure and trusted mechanism for industrial IoT network using blockchain. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 19(2), 1894-1902.
Rathee, G., Garg, S., Kaddoum, G., Choi, B. J., Hassan, M. M., & AlQahtani, S. A. (2022). TrustSys: Trusted decision making scheme for collaborative artificial intelligence of things. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 19(1), 1059-1068.
Rathee, G., Iqbal, R., Waqar,O. and Bashir, A.K., 2021, On the Design and Implementation of a Blockchain Enabled E-Voting Application within IoT-oriented Smart Cities. IEEE Access DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3061411 (Early Access).
Rathee, G. Garg, S.,Kaddoum, G., Jayakody, D. N. K., Piran, J. and Muhammad, G., 2021 A Trusted Social Network using Hypothetical Mathematical Model and Decision-based Scheme, IEEE Access DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3048077. (Early Access).
Rathee, G., Garg, S., Kaddoum, G., Wu, Y., Jayakody, D. N. K., & Alamri, A. (2021). ANN assisted-IoT enabled COVID-19 patient monitoring. IEEE Access, 9, 42483-42492.
Rathee, G., Garg, S., Choi, B.J. and George, J., 2020, A Decision-Making Model for Securing IoT Devices in Smart Industries. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics DOI: 10.1109/TII.2020.3005252 (Early Access).
Rathee, G., Ahmad, F., Iqbal, R. and Mithun, 2020, Cognitive Automation for Smart Decision Making in Industrial Internet of Things. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics DOI: 10.1109/TII.2020.3013618.
Rathee, G., Ahmad F., Fatih, K., Ajmal, M.A., Iqbal, R., Muhammad, I., 2020, CRT-BIoV: A Cognitive Radio Technique for Blockchain-enabled Internet of Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2020.3004718 (Early Access).
Rathee, G., Jaglan, N., Garg, S., Choi, B.J. and Choo, K.K.R., 2020. A Secure Spectrum Handoff Mechanism in Cognitive Radio Networks. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 959-969, DOI: 10.1109/TCCN.2020.2971703 (Early Access).
Rathee, G., Garg, S., Kaddoum, G., Choi, B.J. and Hossain, M.S., 2020, Trusted Orchestration for Smart Decision-Making in Internet-of-Vehicles, vol. 8, pp. 157427-157436. IEEE Access DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3019795 (Early Access).
Rathee, G., Garg, S., Kaddoum, G., Choi, B.J. and Hossain, M.S., 2020, Trusted Computation using ABM and PBM Decision Models for ITS, IEEE Access, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3033883 (Early Access).
Alghazo, J., Rathee, G., Gupta, S., Tabrez Quasim, M., Murugan, S., Latif, G. and Dhasarathan, V., A Secure Multimedia Processing through Blockchain in Smart Healthcare Systems. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM), DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3396852.
IEEE Magazines
Rathee, G., Garg, S., Kaddoum, G. and Jayakody N.J., 2021. An IoT-based Secure Vaccine Distribution System Through Blockchain Network. IEEE Magazine of Internet of Things (early access).
Rathee, G., Jaglan, N., Garg, S., Choi, B.J. and K.J. Nakin, 2021. Handoff Security using Artificial Neural Networks in Cognitive Radio Networks. IEEE Magazine of Internet of Things vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 1-9.
Elsevier (SCI)Rathee, G., Kerrache, C. A., & Calafate, C. T. (2024). A sustainable and trusted solution for IoT-based federated learning using feedback behavior. Internet of Things, 26, 101177.
Rathee, G., Kumar, A., Kerrache, C. A., & Calafate, C. T. (2024). A trust management solution for 5G-based future generation Internet of Vehicles. Computer Networks, 248, 110501.
Rathee, G., Saini, H., Shandilya, S. K., & Rajasoundaran, S. (2024). A trusted and adaptive security mechanism for wearable e-healthcare systems. International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, 45(1), 3-10.
Rathee, G., Garg, S., Kaddoum, G., Alzanin, S. M., Gumaei, A., & Hassan, M. M. (2023). Accessibility and ensured quality of life for disabled people using trusted edge computing. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 82, 35-42.
Rathee, G., Kumar, A., Garg, S., Choi, B. J., & Hassan, M. M. (2023). ART: Active recognition trust mechanism for Augmented Intelligence of Things (AIoT) in smart enterprise systems. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 80, 417-424.
Rathee, G., Garg, S., Kaddoum, G., Choi, B. J., Benslimane, A., & Hassan, M. M. (2023). A secure and trusted context prediction for next generation autonomous vehicles. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 78, 131-140.
Rathee, G., Kerrache, C. A., & Calafate, C. T. (2022). An Ambient Intelligence approach to provide secure and trusted Pub/Sub messaging systems in IoT environments. Computer Networks, 218, 109401.
Rathee, G., Ahmad, F., Sandhu, R. and Kerrache, C.A., Azad, M.A., 2021. On the design and implementation of a secure blockchain-based hybrid framework for Industrial Internet-of-Things. Information Processing and Management, 58, p.102526.
Rathee, G., Sharma, A., Kumar, R. and Iqbal, R., 2019. A secure communicating things network framework for industrial IoT using blockchain technology. Ad Hoc Networks, 94, p.101933.
Rathee, G., Sharma, A., Kumar, R., Ahmad, F. and Iqbal, R., 2020. A trust management scheme to secure mobile information centric networks. Computer Communications, 151, pp.66-75.
Rathee, G., Ahmad, F., Kerrache, C.A. and Azad, M.A., 2019. A Trust Framework to Detect Malicious Nodes in Cognitive Radio Networks. Electronics, 8(11), p.1299.
Rathee, G., Sharma, A., Saini, H., Kumar, R. and Iqbal, R., 2019. A hybrid framework for multimedia data processing in IoT-healthcare using blockchain technology. Multimedia Tools and Applications, pp.1-23.
Springer (SCI)Agrawal, S., Kumar, N., Rathee, G., Kerrache, C. A., Calafate, C. T., & Bilal, M. (2024). Improving stock market prediction accuracy using sentiment and technical analysis. Electronic Commerce Research, 1-24.
Singh, A., & Rathee, G. (2024). FATE: flexible attribute-based traceable encrypted data sharing scheme using smart contracts in wireless medical sensor networks. Annals of Telecommunications, 1-17.
Rathee, G. A trust‐based mechanism for drones in smart cities. IET Smart Cities (2022).
Devi, A., Rathee, G., & Saini, H. (2022). Secure blockchain-Internet of Vehicles (B-IoV) mechanism using DPSO and M-ITA algorithms. Journal of Information Security and Applications, 64, 103094.
A., Tripathi, H., Saini and G., Rathee, 2021. Futurstci prediction of missing value imputation methods using extended ANN International Journal of Business Analytics, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 1-12.
A., Devi, G., Rathee, H., Saini, 2021. Secure Blockchain-Internet of Vehicles (B-IoV) Mechanism using DPSO and M-ITA Algorithms. Journal of Information Security and Application, vol. 62, pp. 1-15.
Srinivasan, K., Rathee, G., Raja, M. R., Jaglan, N., Mahendiran, T. V., & Palaniswamy, T. (2021). Secure multimedia data processing scheme in medical applications. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1-12.
Rathee, G., Khelifi, A., & Iqbal, R. (2021). Artificial Intelligence-(AI-) Enabled Internet of Things (IoT) for Secure Big Data Processing in Multihoming Networks. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2021.
Rathee, G., Iqbal, R., & Khelifi, A. (2021). Decision making in internet of vehicles using pervasive trusted computing scheme. Comput. Mater. Contin, 68, 2755-2769.
Rathee, G., Garg, S., Kaddoum, G., & Jayakody, D. N. K. (2021). An IoT-Based secure vaccine distribution system through a blockchain network. IEEE Internet of Things Magazine, 4(2), 10-15.
Saini, H., Rathee, G., & Saini, D. K. (2021). Understanding Blockchain: Case Studies in Different Domains. In Large-Scale Data Streaming, Processing, and Blockchain Security (pp. 181-202). IGI Global.
Krishnamurthy, R., Rathee, G. and Jaglan, N., 2019. An enhanced security mechanism through blockchain for E-polling/counting process using IoT devices. Wireless Networks, pp.1-12.
Rathee, G., Sandhu, R., Saini, H., Sivaram, M. and Dhasarathan, V., 2019. A trust computed framework for IoT devices and fog computing environment. Wireless Networks, pp.1-13.Rathee, G., Balasaraswathi, M., Chandran, K.P., Gupta, S.D. and Boopathi, C.S., 2020. A secure IoT sensors communication in industry 4.0 using blockchain technology. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing.
Sivaram, M., Rathee, G., Rastogi, R., Quasim, M.T. and Saini, H., 2020. A resilient and secure two-stage ITA and blockchain mechanism in mobile crowd sourcing. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, pp.1-14.
Rathee, G., Jaglan, N., Saini, H., Gupta, S.D. and Kanaujia, B.K., 2019. Probabilistic Verification Scenarios with Reduced Authentication Delay for Handoff Clients in Mesh Networks. Wireless Personal Communications, 104(4), pp.1553-1571.
Rathee, G. and Saini, H., 2019. Secure handoff technique with reduced authentication delay in wireless mesh network. International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms, 13(1-2), pp.130-154.
Rathee, G., Balasaraswathi, M., Chandran, K.P., Gupta, S.D. and Boopathi, C.S., 2020. A secure IoT sensors communication in industry 4.0 using blockchain technology. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing.
Rathee, G., Sharma, A., Iqbal, R., Aloqaily, M., Jaglan, N. and Kumar, R., 2019. A blockchain framework for securing connected and autonomous vehicles. Sensors, 19(14), p.3165.
Sharma, A., Rathee, G., Kumar, R., Saini, H., Varadarajan, V., Nam, Y. and Chilamkurti, N., 2019. A Secure, Energy-and SLA-Efficient (SESE) EHealthcare Framework for Quickest Data Transmission Using Cyber-Physical System. Sensors, 19(9), p.2119.
Rathee, G., Saini, H. and Singh, G., 2018. Aspects of trusted routing communication in smart networks. Wireless Personal Communications, 98(2), pp.2367-2387.
Rathee, G., and Jaglan, N., An Attack Resilient Framework in Cognitive Radio Network Environment for Inter-domain and Intra-domain Communication, Wireless Personal Communications(accepted)
Rathee, G. and Saini, H., 2018. Modified AODV (MAODV) against black hole in WMN. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences, 88(2), pp.339-350.
Gupta, E., Rathee, G., Kumar, P. and Chauhan, D.S., 2015. Mood swing analyser: a dynamic sentiment detection approach. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences, 85(1), pp.149-157.
- Publications in National Journal
- Publications in National Conferences
- Publications in International Conferences
Verma, A., Chandela, T., Rathee, G., & Tomar, A. (2024, July). A Multilayered Trusted and Secure Surveillance with Frame Encoding, ML, and Hashgraph. In 2024 11th International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications (WINCOM) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Verma, A., Rathee, G., & Kerrache, C. A. (2024, April). Toward Secure Consumer IoT Communications using DNA Encryption and Blockchain Technology. In 2024 6th International Conference on Pattern Analysis and Intelligent Systems (PAIS) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.
Kerrache, C. A., Rathee, G., Guellouma, Y., Gasmi, H., & Ziani, B. (2023, December). Towards an Efficient and Secure Cache Management Using Apriori-Based Interests Prediction in Named Data Networking. In 2023 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Embedded Design (ISED) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Agrawal, S., Kumar, N., Rathee, G., Calafate, C. T., & Kerrache, C. A. (2023, September). Determining the Accuracy of Reinforced Model via Sentiment and Technical Analysis as a Stock Market Prediction Technique. In 2023 International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Disaster Management (ICT-DM) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
A., Tripathi, H., Saini and G., Rathee, 2021. Missing Values Imputation in Food Consumption: An Analytical Study. Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing and Control (ISPCC 2k21) [6th: JUIT, Waknaghat: 7-9 Nov. 2021], (accepted).
A., Devi, G., Rathee, H., Saini (2021). Using Optimization and Auction Approach: Security provided to Vehicle network through Blockchain Technology. Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC) [6th : JUIT, Waknaghat : 6-8 Nov. 2020], pp.476-480.
G., Rathee and H., Saini, On Reduced computational cost, Efficient and secure Routing (ESR) for Wireless Mesh Network. Second International Symposium on computer vision and internet in journal of Elsevier, Journal of Procedia Computer Science (Science Direct), Kochi, Kerala, June 2015, vol. 58, pp. 333-341.
G., Rathee and H., Saini, Fast Handoff Technique in Wireless Mesh Network (FHT in WMN). 7th international conference in computing, communication and virtualization, Journal of Procedia Computer Science (Science Direct), Mumbai, INDIA, vol. 79, pp. 722-728, 2016.
G., Rathee, A., Mundra, N., Rakesh, Buffered Based Routing and Resiliency Approach for WMN. IEEE International Conference on Human Computer Interactions (ICHCI), Chennai, INDIA, 2013, 10.1109/ICHCI-IEEE.2013.6887776.
G., Rathee, P., Thakur, G., Singh and H., Saini, Aspects of secure communication during spectrum handoff in cognitive radio networks. IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications, 28-29Dec, 2016, Noida, INDIA.
L.K. Sharma, H., Saini, G., Rathee, Proposed Optimized Algorithm for Coverage Area with Capacity Calculations. IEEE International Conference Parallel Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC 2014), 10.1109/PDGC.2014.7030790.
A.J. Zargar, N., Singh, G., Rathee, A.K. Singh, Image Data-Deduplication using block truncation coding Technique. IEEE conference on Futuristic Trends in Computational analysis and Knowledge management (FTCAKM-2015), 10.1109/ABLAZE.2015.7154986.
N., Singh, A.J. Zargar, G., Rathee, S.P. Ghrera, A Novel Encryption Technique for Data De-duplication. IEEE conference on Futuristic Trends in Computational analysis and Knowledge management (ETCAKM-2015).
S., Vats, G., Rathee, An Image-Compression Decomposition Analysis of Sub-Bands using Threshold Implementation. 3rd International conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP), Waknaghat, Solan, INDIA, pp. 366-369, 2015.
G., Rathee, A., Mundra, N., Rakesh, Buffered Based Routing and Resiliency Approach for WMN. IEEE International Conference on Human Computer Interactions (ICHCI), Chennai, INDIA, 2013, 10.1109/ICHCI-IEEE.2013.6887776.
M., Chawla, G., Rathee, S.P. Ghrera, N., Rakesh, Performance Evaluation of Fault Tolerance Based Routing Approach for WMN. International conference on communication and computing (ICC-2014).
- Books/Book Chapters
G., Rathee, 2021. Trusted Mechanism using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) in Healthcare Software-Defined Networks. Software-Defined Internet of Everything Book Series: Internet of Things - Technology, Communications and Computing, Springer (accepted).
A., Devi, G., Rathee, H., Saini, 2021. Secure Information Transmission in Intelligent Transportation Systems using Blockchain Technique. Intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems for Autonomous Transportation. Book Series: Internet of Things - Technology, Communications and Computing. Springer (accepted).
A., Devi, G., Rathee, H., Saini, Security Concerns at Various Network Phases through Blockchain Technology. International Conference on Advances and Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (ICAAAIML), Springer, India, 2020 (Accepted).
A., Devi, G., Rathee, H., Saini, Using Optimization and Auction Approach: Security provided to Vehicle network through Blockchain Technology. International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC), IEEE, India, 2020 (Accepted).
G., Rathee, H., Saini and S.P. Ghrera, Secured Authentication and Signature Routing Protocol for WMN (SASR). Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer and Communication Technologies, Springer, India, pp. 327-336, 2016.
G., Rathee and H., Saini, A Secure Homomorphic Routing Technique in Wireless Mesh Network (HRT for WMN). Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications, Springer India, pp. 437-444, 2016.
G., Rathee and H., Saini, Mitigation Techniques for Gray Hole and Black Hole Attacks in Wireless Mesh Network. International congress on Information and Communication Technology (ICICT), Udaipur, ASIC series of Springer, pp. 383-392, 2015.
- List of Publications
Other (ESCI and SCOPUS)
Rathee, G. Jaglan, N., Iqbal, R., Lal, S.P., Menon, V.G., 2020. A trust analysis scheme for vehicular networks within IoT-oriented Green City. Environmental Technology and Innovation, (Early Access), DOI: 10.1016/j.eti.2020.101144.
Rathee, G. and Saini, H., 2017. Secure modified ad hoc on-demand distance vector (MAODV) routing protocol. International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications (IJMCMC), 8(1), pp.1-18.
Rathee, G. and Saini, H., 2017. Secure buffer-based routing protocol for WMN. International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking (IJBDCN), 13(1), pp.28-44.
Rathee, G. and Saini, H., 2018. Security Against Network Layer Attacks for Hierarchal Mesh Environments. International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering (IJITWE), 13(2), pp.48-55.
Rathee, G. and Saini, H., 2017. Weight trusted routing mechanism for hierarchical mesh environments. International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies (IJDST), 8(3), pp.25-42.
- List of Patents
Application Number : 202211013505 Publisher (India)
Ritu Dewan, Dr. Mayank Kumar Goyal, Dr. Anup Girdhar, Dr. Prakash Kumar, Dr. Geetanjali Rathee, Dr. Naveen Jaglan , Dr. Vishnu Sharma, Dr. Rajesh Kumar Dhanaraj, Dr. Mandeep Kaur, Dr. Sonia Setia, Dr. Punit Gupta, Dr. Vishal Jain, Abha Kiran Rajpoot (Date Of Submission: 12/03/2022; Date Of Publication: 13/04/2022), Emergency Braking Arrangement To Stop Elevator [Application Number: 202211013505].
Application Number:202031048523 Publisher (India)
Dr. Geetanjali Rathee, Dr. Hemraj Saini, Dr. Satyabrata Dash, Dr. Sujata Chakarvarty, Dr. Susant Kumar Rout, And Mr. Barada P. Panigrahy(Date Of Submission: 06/11/2020; Date Of Publication: 11/12/2020), System And Method For Health Care Data Processing Through Iot By UsingBlockchain Technology [Application Number:202031048523].
Application Number:202111007901 Publisher (India)
Mayank Kumar Goyal, Nitin Rakesh, Dr. Mandeep Kaur, Dr. Ritika Wason, Dr. Rashmi Kushwah,Dr. Geetanjali Rathee, Dr. Naveen Jaglan, Ms.Abha Kiran Rajpoot, Ms. Neha Tyagi, Dr. Shialendra Kumar Tripathi and Dr. Sikha Mehta (Date Of Submission: 25/02/2021; Date Of Publication:06/03/2021), Systems and Method to Prevent Fraud during Emission Level Certificate Generation of Vehicle [Application Number:202111007901].
Application Number: 202011047183 Publisher (India)
Dr. Mayank Kr. Goyal, Dr. Parma Nand, Dr. Nitin Rakesh, Dr. Mandeep Kaur, Amardeep Kaur, Dr. Kimmi Verma, Dr. Ritika Wason, Dr. Payal Khu-rana Batra, Dr. Monali Tushar Mavani, Dr. Pradeep Kumar Gupta, Dr. Hemraj Saini,Dr. Geetanjali, Rani Astya, Ritu Dewan, Abha Kiran Rajpoot,Dr. Shikha Mehta, And Sakshi Gupta (Date Of Submission: 29/10/2020; Date Of Publication: 13/11/2020), Emergency Braking Arrangement ToStop Elevator [Application Number: 202011047183].
Application Number: 2020103515 Publisher (Australia)
Dinesh Kumar Saini, Hemraj Saini, Geetanjali Rathee, Himasnshu Jindal, Mukta Goyal, (Filing Date: 2022-11-18; Expiry Date: 2028-11-18) A System And A Method For Real Time Monitoring And Identification Of Endangered Animals [Application Number: 2020103515].
- Projects
Ongoing Project
Two years project entitled “Data security and governance for healthcare application in cyber physical systems” sponsored by SERB-SURE (ongoing)
Submitted Projects
Project entitled “Secure Real-Time Edge-Based Object Detection through Multi-Video Live Processing” sponsored by SERB-POWER for two years
Project entitled “SWASTH securing the wellbeing of all state-of-art technologies” sponsored by PURSE for three years.
- Copyrights
Diary No.: 1579/2021-CO/LJUIT, Waknaghat ROC NO: L-99804/2021March 2021
Hemraj Saini, Dinesh Kumar Saini, Geetanjali Rathee, Himanshu Jindal, Mukta Goyal (2021). A System and a Method for Real Time Monitoring and Identification of Endangered Animals
- List of Expert Talks
Expert talk on Blockchain-enabled Intelligent Frameworks for Industry 5.0 (Dronacharya college of engineering), 2024)
Expert talk on METAVERSE (IGDTUW, Aug, 2024)
Expert Talk on Blockchain Security (Dec. 2023)
Expert Talk ON Research Options in Blockchain Technique (GITM, Gurugram, April 2022)
Expert Talk on Research Options in Blockchain Techniques (GITM, Gurugram, 2022)
ATAL FDP Program, Aspects of Cybersecurity and its Futurstics Research Options through Blockchain Mechanism (Manipal University, Jaipur, June 2021)
Short Term Training Program (STTP), Research Challenges and Issues in Blockchain Techniques (KIET, Gaziabad, Dec, 2020)
Short Term Training Program (STTP), Research Options in Blockchain Techniques (KIET, Gaziabad, Nov, 2020)
FDP on Computational Intelligence Tech. for ML, Security Aspects in Wireless Mesh Networks (JUIT, Waknaghat, Sep, 2020)